My mother and I are both really enjoying this series. You lay it out well - it's complicated stuff - many details for the uninitiated. And we aren't getting this info from any other press right now.

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Thank you so much Dawn. Glad you are enjoying it. Lots more to come.

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I wonder if you followed or were aware of the somewhat similar attach on a public male figure in Scotland - Alex Salmond former SNP first minister - who was also found not guilty on all sexual assault allegations in 2019, I believe, (https://wingsoverscotland.com/ covered the issue well) yet was still smeared publicly - as if he still 'got away with it' by the current SNP leadership.

It's disappointing to me - as a woman who wants to believe other women on the often difficult to prove issues of sexual assault - to see other women and some men - accepting all allegations as true without requiring a fair trial, and then when there is one - to not accept the verdict or bother to understand the details of the verdict.

And it seems this is a cynical political tool now being used by those in power or those who don't consider how they might feel if attacked without the right of reply or a fair trial. It's a very slippery slope. And of course it makes it harder for women and men who have legitimate complaints about sexual assault that CAN be proved.

It seems a particular sickness of mind for people on the 'left ' or artsie circles these days. There are a lot of fantasy beliefs being shared as fact in the pubic and especially the social media sphere these days.

I hope blogs like yours and court cases like this one - that break the facts down in lucid detail are an antidote to that kind of blind obedience.

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I hope that you will put all your research in this in a book. I also hope that somehow Steven Galloway can be encouraged to write again. He is a talented writer and a seemingly decent human being who did not deserve to be treated in this outrageous way. Canadian literature has been diminished by his absence.

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Amen. I would like nothing better than a new book by SG.

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